Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Jawan movie advance bookings in India have started off with a bang. The Atlee-directed Jawan will hit theatres on September 7, 2023.
According to Indian media, the movie has sold more than 5.7 lakh advance tickets and has earned around 16.93 crore rupees as of now. In Hindi 2D format, the movie has sold 5.2 lakh tickets, 11,558 tickets in Hindi IMAX, 19,899 in Tamil movies, and 16,230 in Telugu 2D.
As per industry tracker Sacnilk, a total of 5,77,255 tickets have been sold for Jawan. In the Hindi market, 5,29,568 tickets have been sold in the 2D format and 11,558 have paid for the IMAX tickets. The Tamil and Telugu markets have sold 19,899 and 16,230 tickets respectively. This has brought the total earnings of the film to Rs 16.93 crore.